Why Hire a Divorce Financial Expert

Divorce can be costly. You’ve likely already spent money on a lawyer with future costs to come. Why spend more and hire a divorce financial expert?

You’ll be required to implement your Divorce Decree and begin rebuilding your finances as an individual, you might even have a large settlement looming over you. You might be thinking of cutting costs and doing it alone – and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Choosing not to work with a divorce financial expert can lead to mistakes, and these mistakes could be far more costly. Before deciding, here’s what you need to know!

The first questions you need to answer is, what kind of financial expert would I require?

A Financial Advisor is someone who works for a brokerage firm or Registered Investment Advisor, and can assist you in buying and selling securities. A good Financial Advisor will have special training in financial planning, wealth management, tax, and/or other financial areas. If you are in the position of looking to invest the proceeds from a settlement, a Financial Advisor will be the best fit for you during your divorce.

If your main concern during this time are centered around planning questions such as, “Will I still be able to retire on time?”, “Will I be able to keep my house?”, or “Will my kids be able to go college?”, then a trusted Financial Planner will probably be the ideal person for you.

If your issue is one of budgeting, dealing with debts and learning how to manage household finances on your own, a Financial Coach is who you’re looking for. They can help you master the fundamentals of household financial management, budgeting, savings and paying off debts.

A Divorce Financial Advisor such as Luigi Reale, is trained and has vast experience dealing with divorce situations. They have helped many people like you and understand how delicate, timely and important your situation is. Good Divorce Financial Advisors will be able to anticipate problems which may arise and help you mitigate these ahead of time.

Ultimately, you need to find a divorce financial expert, someone who has knows how to handle divorce environments and issues. When emotions are high, you need someone on your side, looking out for your best interests and helping you bounce back stronger.

Contact us at Divorce Support On Separation today!

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Every situation is different and the way that the law is applied to a situation will depend on the particular circumstances of each case.  It is important to be aware that some laws are different for married as opposed to unmarried couples.
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